Please join us Saturday May 8th. This years 2021 Picnic fun day will be a little different. Because of the current Covid guidelines, MSGDA could not count on a venue to host our annual banquet and fundraiser, so we are taking it outside.
This year we will incorporate the fun day into our membership meeting, and fundraiser. This year we will have a silent auction going on throughout the day, a potluck dinner, and pull our raffle winners for some awesome prizes. We hope you can come out and enjoy the day with us.
Please reach out to us with any questions [email protected]
May 8, 2021 Picnic Test Flyer and Info (Click Here)
Raffle info
The Midnight Sun Gun Dog Association is happy to announce that it is holding a pre-event raffle for our Picnic fun day event. Tickets are available via the MSGDA website; or from a MSGDA member. Tickets are $20 a piece, 6 tickets for $100, or 15 for $250 which includes a free entry at the picnic test. Those who choose to purchase tickets online will be mailed a ticket stub for each ticket purchased. Drawing will be held at the Boyd’s farm in Palmer on Saturday May 8th Please contact Kent Bull (907) 229-2951, [email protected] with any questions. Alaska Gaming Permit #2941
1st Prize: CZ Sharp-Tail 28 Gauge Side by Side
2nd Prize: Stoeger P350 12 Gauge Max-5 Shotgun
3rd Prize: Zinger Winger Field Trialer G4
4th Prize: Zinger 4 Pole Holding Blind
5th Prize: Tanglefree Ultimate Back Pack
Picnic Fun Day Raffle Ticket Details (Click Here)